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Press Pack (Bio, artist statement and photos)

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Want to interview me? ​
Please drop me an email!


Jaffe Center for Book Arts - ARTIST OF THE WEEK

In June 2020, I was chosen as Artist of the Week at the Jaffe Center for Book Arts in Florida.
Through the medium of my artist book 'sampler' I share how trusting the process helped me transition from works on canvas to artists books.

MOVED TO TEARS’s quite rare for the artworks to generate tears. I should think in the last year only three artworks have had this effect and for two of the artworks it wasn’t a unique experience. One of these pieces was ‘The Wolf at the Door’ by Cherry Jeffs.
— Jason Noble


A View From the Easel

My ramshackle studio is on the third floor of our 100-year-old town house in a small town in southern Spain. The roof leaks, and it’s freezing in winter, despite my wood burner, and impossibly hot by noon in summer. Yet it has a gentle spirit, as if the age of the house had infused the space with benign patience.

Noteledge User Story

…one time I did a painting and I thought it was finished. A couple of months later I looked at it and I had a wild idea about what I might do to it but I was nervous about spoiling what I’d already done. What I did was...

Podcast Interviews

Make it Happen Podcast

One of the most fun things I did in 2019 was to be interviewed by the lovely Ali Meehan, the founder of Costa Women - a massive - and free - social and business networking community for women living in or looking to relocate to Spain

Loose-Leaf Notebook with Julia Adolphe

Not interviews but…Internationally renowned composer Julia Adolphe talks about how coaching with me helped her:

  • Convert her Inner Critic into a helpful editor.

  • Accept the imperfection that comes with finishing any creative project.

Coach Me to Lead

Chatting with Erno Hannink was like a fun meetup with a new friend. What a great interview style he has! He totally put me at my ease and the time flew by as we covered everything from what an Artist’s Book is to why daily check-ins are so effective when you’re starting a creative habit.

The Goal Achievement Podcast

I chat with fellow coach and super-friendly podcast host, Matt East about monetising your art, overcoming resistance and establishing creative habits.

Interview starts at around 8 mins.


Chapter 24: Visual Journaling: How to Create a Dialogue With Your Subconscious Mind

I am one of the 50 coaches, therapists, and journaling experts who appear in the is book edited by Lynda Monk and Eric Maisel
In the book I and fellow contributors share our best practices and explain in detail how to use journaling to improve work with clients.